Press Releases. Writing tomorrow's headlines today.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the humble press release can take a bit of a back seat.

But a topical, well-written release delivered at the right time and to the right person can do wonders for your brand exposure.

Editors and journalists are always keen to receive an entertaining, informative story that will interest their readers.

As deadline day looms, often an engaging feature (accompanied by photos, competition prizes, and compelling testimonials) is exactly what a publication is looking for.

Press Releases Will...

  • Raise your media profile.

  • Reach a big audience with a small outlay.

  • Build trust in your brand.

Writing can be a long, challenging process if you’re not used to it.

A writer will save you hours (if not days and weeks if there’s a lot of writing to do). 

That’s time and headspace that you can devote to ALL of the other tasks on your to-do list. 

For a relatively small outlay, you can let somebody take your copy and run with it, leaving you free to concentrate on the big picture